Sunday, June 23, 2013

Austin City Capital building visit

Sunday 9th June and looking for something to do.... we decided to go to Austin City and have a walk around.  We drove down and parked in the Austin Convention Center car park which I happen to know of as I went to a conference with my company and knew it was a great place to park and walk from.

We walked up Congress Avenue which leads right up to the Capitol building. The first interesting thing we came across was a brightly painted giant guitar.... Austin is a huge music town and there are lots of these guitars (decorated differently) all over the city - part of a Gibson exhibition .

Further up the street we came across the Majestic Cinema, built in 1915 and the first cinema in Austin - you can find out more about it here.

At the end of Congress Avenue is the Capitol building... it's free to visit and most of the rooms are open to the public to walk around - some pictures below.

We spent a couple of hours in Austin and walked back to the car via 6th Street which is worth a visit in the evenings as the bars and clubs are full of live music.

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