Saturday, February 8, 2014

Trip to Boston

February and I have to go to Boston on Business.

It has been freezing in the USA, including Texas, where we have had freezing rain and the kids have been off school due to it. Tuesday 4th February I flew to Boston and then drove to Nashua in New Hampshire, when I arrived they where forecasting a snow storm that night.

Some pictures

 From Hotel window before it snowed
 Wednesday morning
 Wednesday morning
 Path from the Office to the car park, the car park is down a hill the other side.

Christmas in Texas

Our first Christmas in Texas!

End of November my eldest daughter Jessica came over, she was here for thanks giving and about a week into December, so that meant we put the Christmas decorations up early!

We had a quiet affair and it was a nice break from work.

December 27th Gary, Trish and Charlotte came over from Somerset, they were in Florida on holiday and flew over to us for three days, we had a great time and took them around to the normal places, Alamo and the rock oh an of course Austin city.